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Contact Us

Thompson Elementary School

2525 Helen Ln
Mesquite, TX 75181

(972) 882-7190

email the campus

Supply Lists

2024-25 Elementary School Hours

Elementary & Pre-K 4 School Day
7:50 AM – 3:20 PM

3-year-old Pre-K Half Day
7:50 AM - 11:05 AM or 12:05 PM - 3:20 PM

Elementary Early Release
12:25 PM


Title 1 Information

About Jay R. Thompson Elementary 

Thompson Elementary opened in 1955 and is named in honor of Jay R. Thompson. Mr. Thompson came to Mesquite to teach civics and history at Mesquite High School in 1960. He served as assistant principal at Black Elementary and Range Elementary and interim principal of Hanby Elementary.  In 1966, he was named principal of Tosch Elementary, a job he held until his retirement in 1985. Mr. Thompson was a World War II veteran, a Pearl Harbor survivor, and exemplified true American patriotism. 

Thompson Elementary is home to 60 staff and support staff members.  We are a unique campus that serves the Creek Crossing area . We believe in loving our students into life-long learning.

Our Feeder Pattern

Thompson Elementary feeds into Terry Middle school which feeds into John Horn High School.

Thompson Administration

Candice Griffin

Candice Griffin

Principal - Elementary
Keysha Smith

Keysha Smith

Assistant Principal - Elementary School